Increasing nutrient absorption is possible.
This antioxidant when combined with a fat such as the fat from olive oil, boosts the nutrition absorption of the photochemical.Moreover, tomatoes and olive oil make such an appetizing combination that they can be turned into any dish.
Rice and Beans:Rajma chawal lovers, do you hear us?Rice and beans have gone hand-in-hand for years, especially in Indian cuisine.
These beans when combined with starchy foods like rice, make a complete nutritious combination.Also, adding beans makes it very easy for our body to regulate carbohydrates and prevent our blood sugar levels from rising.
Turmeric and Black Pepper:Since ancient times, spices have been known to have numerous medicinal properties and they have proved to be a super-food.
Not only that but it has proven to reduce symptoms of arthritis and enhance kidney health.When this turmeric is combined with black pepper, it increases the bio-availability of the beneficial compounds present in turmeric.

Food to Treat a Hangover: Alcohol is Injurious to Health; this is always written on the bottles itself but is always overlooked by the alcohol lovers.
Actually these addictions are never required by our body, people themselves have created their own mindset for its consumption.
Moreover some people accept it as a symbol of high class society and to show off their richness but it is never a prestige of richness, in fact, it creates all kinds of nuisance inside the body and makes one ill.Anyways, still if one is enjoying beer, cocktails or some bubbly with friends in parties, functions, weddings etc.
and before one realizes it’s after effects, will fall asleep and night rotate into day, and as soon as one wakes up, will find self with a massive hangover (Food to Treat a Hangover).

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