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Get high-risk benefits with a precise merchant account facility

Emerchant Pro
Get high-risk benefits with a precise merchant account facility

Merchants often require an account that can provide them with efficient payment transactions. Though not every business is eligible for getting a payment gateway solution.A business account is a certain type of business bank account assigned to those merchants who have a certain degree of risk associated with their business. A merchant account is tagged as a high risk for certain reasons:    

  • A merchant might have an imperfect or flawed credit history.
  • The merchant industry presents concerns, such as reputation, health-risks, financial and among others.
  • The merchant processes a high volume of transactions.
  • Merchant is associated with the business that has high-chargebacks or fraud rates, such as recurring bills or technical support.
  • Not all banks are ready to provide you with the high-risk merchant account solutions, fearing the risk outweighs. The service provider also believe that
  • Too often we get the inquiries from many merchants who don't know that their business might be high-risk they come to know this only after their applications are declined.

These are some of the reasons that services provider considers while delivering the merchant account facility. We at eMerchantPro provide you with the High-Risk Merchant Account solutions that will allow you to have smooth and flexible payment transactions.   

What are the challenges that they face with High-Risk Merchant Account?

Service providers are boarding high-risk merchants by taking a precaution on any of the below causes:

  • Getting additional KYC documents and tightening underwriting procedures.
  • Welcoming only specific high-risk businesses
  • Imposing volume caps, security presets on transactions and or mandatory chargeback prevention schemes.
  • Service providers will intend to get in a telephonic conversation with the merchants for 10 to 15 minutes to get a feel for the prospective merchant's business and goals. Based on that conversation, they will further decide whether the merchant fits for the portfolio. They will find you the right acquiring bank partner that will be suitable for their industry and guide them through the application and approval process.

How to know the high-risk merchant account?

Many parameters define a high-risk merchant account. The landscape of high-risk e-commerce is ever-changing, ever-evolving.  Hence many parameters decide the business as a high or low-risk business. 

When banks rate a business as high-risk then there are several parameters for the cause of it.

  • Startup business with little or no credit card processing
  • The industry that is highly indulged with high-rates of chargebacks
  • High Cost
  • Subscription-based products or services, such as
  • A merchant who has suffered a terminated merchant account
  • High-Risk business, such as nutraceuticals
  • A specific targeted country

We at eMerchantPro provide you with the significant High-Risk Merchant Account Solutions that will allow you to have smooth and flexible payment transactions. It is highly recommended to take suggestion from professionals who have profound experience in providing payment gateway solutions they can better provide you with the best available credit card processing solution.

Emerchant Pro
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