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Forex Trading Risks - Know Before You Start Trading

Steffan Devin
Forex Trading Risks - Know Before You Start Trading

So what exactly is the amount of money Bitcoin Revolution 2 Review you can earn with Forex? There are no limits... Everything depends on you only.Learn to determine the various phases of the market cycle, which is orchestrated by professional money. You can find excellent trade entries during accumulation periods and excellent sell opportunities during distribution periods. Combine that with the volume trends which occur during the different market sessions and you have yourself a powerful trading strategy. Within the VSA or volume spread analysis strategy we looking for various phases which occur within the market cycles.

First one being an accumulation phase, which has to generally occur during oversold levels in the forex market. The reason being because professional money, is looking for the lowest possible levels to accumulate a pair before they mark it up and sell it back to you. They realize after a long bearish trend the selling has reached an exhaustion point.

They realized this based on the volume and spreads which occur in a particular pair. Picture them as the ultimate bargain shoppers. The accumulation phase is noted by narrow spreads and low volume. The next phase is the markup phase which occurs after the accumulation stage. The professional money is beginning to bid the price up in an effort to entice the public market that the pair is going to rise. This is generally accompanied by good news put out on media outlets such as CNBC or Bloomberg, as an effort to entice the public to continue to buy, so they won't miss the upside move.


Steffan Devin
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