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United Airlines awarded nine passengers $10,000 each in travel voucher compensation

Digital Newspaper24x7
United Airlines awarded nine passengers $10,000 each in travel voucher compensation

This issue came to light after a flight takes off due to the Highest rates of bumped passengers. So business class people shifted to the premium class cabin.

According to CNN, United had to use a Boeing 767-300 aircraft on its Newark-to-Hawaii route instead of the typical Boeing 777, forcing nine passengers from business class to the Premium Plus cabin.

United awarded the impacted travelers a total of $90,000 worth of travel voucher compensation. The airline confirmed the changes but did not reveal how much each passenger was awarded.

United was likely trying to avoid the issues associated with bumping passengers as travelers who are involuntarily removed from a flight due to overbooking are entitled to compensation, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

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