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Etihad Airways Cancellation Policy | Change Flights Fee

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Etihad Airways Cancellation Policy | Change Flights Fee

Yes, Etihad airlines understand that sometime plans might change, but it becomes more and more important for us to know about the cancellation policy before canceling the flight ticket to avoid any loss in the event. It becomes quite pesky for the travellers to wander here and thereby carrying the documents with them for canceling the flight ticket. So here we are going to discuss simple Etihad Airways change Policy.

Stick With The Etihad Airways Cancellation Policy
If the passenger canceled within 24 hours of the booking, you will not require paying any charge or any cancellation fee.
In the passengers canceled within 96 hours of the flight take off, an additional 10 percent of the total amount would be deducted as a cancellation fee.
An Etihad airway does not charge any cancellation fee in case of the sudden demise of a family member which requires some documentation process.
The cancellation fee depends upon the region of travel and terms or conditions that have been defined at the time of the purchase of the ticket.
If the passenger wants to cancel the flight booking, you will be subjected to a small amount of fee.

The text above is a summary, you can read full article here.

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