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Overhead Garage Door Spring Repair

Garage Door Repair Moline IL
Overhead Garage Door Spring Repair

A garage door can give admittance to your home and property when it is not properly maintained. With an increased number of home break-ins and burglaries, it is best not to take a chance. Garage door springs are one of the most important components of your garage door and are often overlooked until a major problem strikes. Springs that are appropriately sized and installed are crucial to having a well balanced overhead door. Saving time and money is one reason for having the repair done professionally. It can also be beneficial for protecting you, your home and your property. Contact Garage Door Repair Moline IL or call us at 309-323-8131 to Overhead Garage Door Spring Repair. With our years of experience, we will be able to quickly diagnose your garage door spring replacement needs. Each garage door spring replacement project requires specific spring types and specific torque measurements as determined by your garage door’s height, weight and designated safe falling speed. No matter what kind of door you have, no matter why your springs came un-sprung. As professionals in the industry, we advise you do not attempt to open your garage door if the spring is broken.

Garage Door Repair Moline IL
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