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Top 5 Tips to Optimize Your Facebook Page

John Jack
Top 5 Tips to Optimize Your Facebook Page

A Facebook Page is one of the best ways to showcase your brand and business. It is also an ideal spot to engage with your existing as well as potential clients by posting valuable and fresh content. It can be a great customer support portal for your existing customers as well. Facebook is the primary platform for users as well as brands in multiple countries.

It can be a perfect place to market your products and services in a friendly and frank manner. You can even attract new customers towards your services by using Facebook marketing tools, and the Facebook business page is the best tool among them.

Moreover, the features of the Facebook page are too effective for a brand, whether it be tagging your local location, contact information, feature pictures, and posting with customized audience targeting. As of 2020, many things have updated from traditional methods. Now there are many new opportunities available on Facebook, and the algorithms are also changed. Here, you are about to learn the top five tips to improve the performance of your Facebook page in 2020.

SOURCE: Top 5 Tips to Optimize Your Facebook Page , Tireless IT Services

1. Facebook Page SEO Optimization

A Facebook page can act as a mini-website for your business in which you can emphasize the main offerings of your business. You can put your brands’ fundamental portfolio on the Facebook page so that new customers can get an idea about your business goal and area of expertise. While describing the business and its services, do not forget to implement the SEO factors such as apt usage of the long tail and short tail keywords.

Make sure to mention the brand as well as non-brand keywords in the Facebook page content. When you apply the basic SEO factors while constructing the Facebook page, the chances are high that your Facebook page will also appear on Google as well as on other search engines. In most cases, if your Facebook page is optimized with SEO tactics, it will appear just beneath your business listings and main site.  

2. Choose the Right Kind of Facebook Page

When you begin with the Facebook Page creation, all you have to do is ensure what kind of page you need. There are a few types of Facebook pages, and while creating one, you should know what’s best for your business. Here are all types of pages that you see on the time of creation:

Local Business or Place: This page would be suitable for those who possess only one location. However, you should always bear in mind the future stats of your business as your business may expand, and then you will have two or more different locations. So, keep on reading the other Facebook page types.

  • Company
  • Brand or Product
  • Public Figure
  • Entertainment
  • Cause or Community

When you choose the Facebook page type in the initial process, it gives an idea to the audience what your business is about. It signifies your message that you want to provide your customers through the page. It is a one-time process, so choose it wisely for better results.

3. Location Pages

In case your business presently has one location, simply head for the location page while creating a Facebook page. In the future, in case you grow your business branches in other locations too, then a few things you will need to do.

When you will try this feature and your primary Facebook page has an address, you will see a warning prompt. This happens because you will have many business locations once you enable Location pages. The primary Facebook will remain as a parent or the main page of your business, and other pages will be child pages that will include their own locations.

Once you get the option enabled, you will have to maintain your brand information on every page. You should check if your Facebook pages have the below details mentioned:

  • Name
  • About
  • Address
  • Contact Number
  • Username
  • Category
  • Website URL
  • Email Address

As told before, make sure to evaluate all SEO factors while building every Facebook location page. The best thing about the location pages feature is that users can rate and review every store or location. In case you manage to maintain your positive reviews, it will automatically buff your business presence online.

4. Assign Working Hours Accordingly

Your operating hours play a huge role in successful customer engagement and customer satisfaction. Think if you have provided the wrong business hours on your Facebook page, and a client visits your store or location at the wrong time. Just think about what impression you will get from your customers in such cases. Hence, it is vital to keep everything up to date on your Facebook page, including the working hours. Keep in mind if your business has an off in the coming days, then Facebook does not provide any specific section for mentioning this special event off. You will have to create a post, especially telling about the forthcoming holiday of your business.

5. Custom Username

Getting a custom username for your Facebook page is essential so that customers can easily recall it and find you later. By default, your Facebook page will get a numerical random username that is hard to understand and remember. To get a custom username for your Facebook page, follow these tips:

  • Open About of your Facebook page.
  • Navigate to Edit beside the current Page username.
  • Put in your new username.
  • See if your username has not used before.
  • Hit on the Create Username button to change it successfully.

A simple and easy-to-recall username can boost your social media presence like a miracle. Once your username is created, you can tell your customers to post their reviews about your products and services by tagging your username. This will magnetize new customers to your business page.

Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tireless IT Services. Tireless IT Services is a digital marketing and web development company that comes with massive experiences.  We specialize in digital marketing, web design and development, graphic design, and a lot more.

John Jack
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