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Grid Group - Fleet Cleaning, Professional Car Cleaning Services in Australia and NZ

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Grid Group - Fleet Cleaning, Professional Car Cleaning Services in Australia and NZ

Experienced fleet cleaning over 500,000 vehicles (Car) cleaned annually in Australia and NZ. Grid Group offer security, professional construction cleaning services.

Visit here: - https://www.gridgroup.com.au/

Administration Standards that are Global Best Practice

Lattice Group works in the conveyance of business and cleansing cleaning administrations for structures, armadas and RVs. It is a completely possessed Australian Company with groups spread broadly in Australia and in New Zealand.

Our organization likewise offers building revival administrations; just as static security and attendant services.

Network Group is in the matter of securing your business resources.

What We Are Good At

Our mastery is in ensuring business resources. Regardless of whether it's the structure, vehicle armadas, RV or truck armadas, our groups expertly spotless and keep up these business resources for ordinary use.

A quarter century of experience has given us the presentation to work with quantities of organizations with contrasting resources and in evolving times. Over that equivalent period we developed from the modest beginnings of a one-man group, to having the option to support business resources with groups in each capital city in Australia and afterward in New Zealand.

Today, ensuring business resources has taken on a more noteworthy job with the appearance of the Covid-19 infection into Australia. Our group's ability has ventured into cleansing cleaning administrations. The entirety of our key staff have finishing the Australian Government, Department of Health Infection Control Covid-19 preparing

Address: 49A Topham Road, Smeaton Grange, NSW, 2567 Australia

Email: info@gridgroup.com.au

Phone: +61(0)2 4647 7155

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