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The death of a Translucent 10 Thousand, AS in the Worst Conditions of a Pandemic Corona

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The death of a Translucent 10 Thousand, AS in the Worst Conditions of a Pandemic Corona

the Number of cases positive for corona virus in the world reached more than 1.3 million with the total deaths reached more than 74 thousand people. The united States is currently in the worst conditions with the addition of the number of new cases and death due to pandemic threat.

in Just six weeks, the number of deaths in the United States due to the corona virus which was originally nil bolted to more than 10 thousand people. Based on data from the John Hopkins University, the total cases in the U.S. has now reached more than 356 thousand and the death of as many as 10.500.

the Increase in cases occurred in various parts of the US. The governor of Michigan called the hospital running out of critical supplies within three to six days. The mortuary in New Orleans had run out of the room, while the New York, New Jersey, and Detroit called will see the peak of deaths in the hospital this week.

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "Death of a Translucent 10 Thousand, AS in the Worst Conditions of a Pandemic Corona" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/04/07/kematian-tembus-10-ribu-as-dalam-kondisi-terburuk-pandemi-corona
Author: Agustiyanti
Editor: Agustiyanti

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