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How to fix your Facebook Ads Campaigns and Increase Online Sales?

Xcentric Services
How to fix your Facebook Ads Campaigns and Increase Online Sales?

Year on year, there are plenty of articles on how Facebook Ads help in increasing sales, and there's absolutely no doubt about this. However, the game has too many players competing, and with 2 Million businesses actively placing their Ads on Facebook, there's no winner until now. Being a Digital Marketing Agency in Pakistan, we understand how difficult it can be to attract the audience, get their absolute attention, and then eventually get E-commerce sales out of it, which is getting harder day by day.

So if you're also one of those businesses struggling to perfect their Facebook Ads campaign, you've hit the right place. In this article, we'll be covering all the major mistakes businesses have been making since the Facebook Advertising game begun.

Are you doing any of these Expensive Facebook Ads blunders?

We asked our Digital Marketing Specialist - Ehsan Zaidi to share all the expensive Facebook Ads blunders he's seen businesses make, and how you can avoid them, to ensure increased online sales.

Optimizing Facebook Ads too often is a big NO!

Before we begin preaching why optimizing Facebook Ads too often isn't practical, let's imagine a scenario; you’ve planted seeds in your garden, and you've been digging them out every hour to see why they aren't growing. Is this the right thing to do? NO!

Replacing the scenario with Facebook Ads, when you keep on optimizing your budget, audience, and your targets, you're eventually stopping your Ads from progressing. Technically, what happens at the back end is that when you optimize, the campaign starts back from zero again, right from the learning phase.

Similarly, there's another face to this blunder. In our years of experience providing Social Media Marketing Services in Pakistan, we have seen businesses placing dozens of Ads instead of one powerful Ad, and that's one big mistake. Instead of frittering with your budget and spending extra dollars, the best practice is to put your smartest efforts and resources into placing one Facebook Ad that gets you the audience's attention and grabs you some purchasing eyes. Later on, find the every-green winner ads and keep on investing in them until you achieve your sales goals.

Lazy Targeting is Crazy Targeting                             

If your Facebook Ads aren't working right, there's a possibility that you haven't targeted them precisely, which savvy marketers call as lazy targeting - A big mistake in the Facebook world. However, you haven't lost the game yet, and luckily you've got the solution right on time by Xcentric Services.

We've seen businesses hit the BOOST POST buttons on their Facebook Ads without giving a second thought to how that works. Technically, this boosting power targets the fans on your Facebook Page only, and unfortunately, the fans aren't always relevant to your Ad. Hence, you won't get great results and sales.

We suggest, get into your Ads Manager and consider refining your target audience. The pro-tip? Target the ones who've engaged with you and purchased from you. Though just remember that relevancy is the key, and your Ads won't be laser-targeted every time you place them. Some miss-hits are what it takes to master at placing Facebook Ads.

Placing Solution-Focused Ads? Abort Mission!

Being a Digital Marketing Agency in Chicago, we've encountered businesses creating solution-focused ads instead of customer-focused, which eventually is the opposite of what they actually should be doing. Unfortunately, or surprisingly, whatever you may consider, but the truth is that this era is consumer-driven, so there's no chance that you'll be selling a product that doesn't focus on the audiences' pain point.

Hence, even if there are dozens of Facebook Ads rolled around on Social Media, the ones emphasizing on what the customer needs will always stand out. So let's begin from today because you only have a few seconds to grab the eyes of your consumer, and making Ads about them is better than focusing on what solution you are selling.

One-Size-Fits-All Approach doesn’t work for Facebook Ads

In today's world of 2020, the audience on Facebook is visually on a rollercoaster, which never stops, considering that they're always scrolling at the highest speed. So the mystery here is that if you're on the same speed as they are, or not. If your Facebook Ads aren't reaching them, the answer is a NO!

Ordinarily, a new question would cross your mind - How to catch up with their speed? In our experience, you don't need to increase your speed, rather slow them down with eye-catchy Ads that intrigue them. Though we agree that this advice of ours might sound like a no-brainer, still, there's no way you can consider placing Facebook Ads as a one-size-fits-all solution. Hence, if you're targeting your Ads on Messenger, Instagram, or just on Facebook, make sure that you consider the nature of the audience on all these platforms and then target the Ads accordingly. Rest assured, if your Ads aren't pixelated and are perfect both ways; Visually and technically, they'll deliver higher sales.


Do you think you’re making any of these mistakes? If you aren’t, and your Facebook Ads still aren’t performing well, consider getting Facebook Marketing Services in Pakistan. At Xcentric, we provide some valuable Facebook Marketing Packages in Pakistan, so get in touch with us today and see how we can help you out with our digital solutions!

Xcentric Services
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