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Activated Carbon Filters – eco green

eco green
Activated Carbon Filters – eco green

Global sustainability is reaching heights eco-green takes pride in being manufacturers and exporters of eco-friendly water filters and water purifiers. Our vision is to provide solutions for Clean Air & Pure Water for a Healthier Lifestyle. Activated Carbon filtration is capable of attracting a variety of chemicals onto its hydrophobic/hydrophilic surface. Our products include pellet carbons. What are pellet carbons? Pellets are known to activate carbon compressed into formed cylinders and have a wide variety of uses for removing contaminants such as volatile organic compounds and mercury from natural gas as well as controlling odour. The features and benefits of pellet carbons are as follows - Greater hardness and adsorption rate Low-pressure drop. Let’s now throw some light on Pellet Activated Carbon, proven to remove certain chemicals, organic chemicals from water. Our products include activated carbons water filter manufacturers such as PP SPUN whose features are high strength and pressure resistant. Use them in domestic and industrial applications. Our next product is termed as an inline filter with features and benefits such as high surface area and low ash impregnated activated carbon. They are highly biodegradable and can be recycled. They remove chlorine and volatile organic compounds which also remove odours and other contamination in water.

eco green
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