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Bring a restaurant to your doorstep with an online food delivery app.

Desmond Ivana
Bring a restaurant to your doorstep with an online food delivery app.

Everyone has a craving for delicious food that too from their favourite restaurants. The traditional method involves visiting the restaurant and ordering the favorite food from the menu. There are certain cons to it like time involved, lack of allergic information and many more. The feasible solution for all these inconveniences is the online delivery application. Eat24 clone script, has a detailed description for each food item they deliver along with a representation image. This application serves fresh food. Eat24 clone app provides delicious food delivered to your doorstep. All the users need to do is order the favorite food item through the application. Real-time tracking allows users to locate the delivery agent. Users get a notification at every stage of the process. In the search bar search for your item, all the restaurants where the food is available is listed. Customers can also select the restaurant and choose items from their menu. Eat24 clone app development connects restaurants with customers.

The usage of the On-demand food delivery app is simple:

Registration: Users can provide their details and sign up. They can also get connected by integrating with social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Search: The navigation through the application with the use of the search bar.

Book the service: They can order the food and connect with the assigned delivery agent.

Payment: The users can pay for the food using any of the available payment modes.

Desmond Ivana
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