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Fix: Outlook Cannot Connect To Gmail Account | POP/IMAP

sherra finale
Fix: Outlook Cannot Connect To Gmail Account | POP/IMAP

Getting Confused in Connecting Outlook To Gmail Account?
Get a proper solution

An outlook email account is completely free webmail account like you use your Gmail account to share genuine information to the clients. Gmail and Microsoft Outlook account both have different platform and value to use as a free webmail account and both have a different setting to manage webmail account. But if you have decided to check all emails at a time on your device, you need to make some useful settings that would help you to get all the emails in one place without facing any trouble. Therefore, you should connect Outlook to Gmail account using its correct email address and password instantly.

But if you can’t connect Gmail to Outlook 365 and not able to synchronize your Gmail account, you will have to find the cause of this kind of error which is transparent because of unacceptable intercommunicate with two different mail clients.

The text above is a summary, you can read full article here

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