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What are the different types of Corporate Events?

Smokey Glen Farm Barbequers
What are the different types of Corporate Events?

As outlined above, corporate events can range from company conferences and internal training seminars to team away-days and client hospitality. When planning for any type of Corporate Event MD therefore, it’s best to assess them in terms of their size.

Micro events (otherwise known as ‘simple events’) are planned for up to 100 delegates and often take the form of meetings or more intimate training sessions.

Small events are classed as between 100 and 250 delegates. They could be seminars, training days or departmental conferences.

Midsize events rely more on technology. They could be company-wide conferences for up to 1,000 delegates or leadership summits for important client customers to meet with senior leaders.

A branded Event Facilities MD website, pre-event communications, and an event mobile app should all form part of the budgetary considerations.  Delegates may require hotel accommodation, plus transport which takes attendees to and from the venue. While a pre- or post-event reception or evening entertainment may be required as part of a complex multi-stream conference itinerary.

Large-scale events often require enterprise technology tools to manage elements such as hotel room bookings, delegate flights, budgets, and online registration.

These may be multi-day events so you could need offsite activities, dinners, partner programs, an awards ceremony or other complex itinerary planning.

Smokey Glen Farm Barbequers
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