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What is the Role of Quality Assurance in a Quality Management System

PQAS Consultant
What is the Role of Quality Assurance in a Quality Management System

Role of Quality Assurance in a Quality Management System

For any business, it is vital that prospective buyers perceive their products or services to be of quality. For, it is such a perception that will enable the company to generate more revenue, grow its market share, become more profitable and indeed grow the business itself.

Maintaining a desired level of quality in its service or product imposes paying attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production. And it is this that necessitates a Quality Assurance Programme.

As a Quality Assurance Consultant will quickly point out, many managers, however, tend to view Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) as interchangeable. Although both are part of the Quality Management package, it should clearly be understood that QA is a process focused; while QC is end-product focused. Quality control is an inspection and/or measurement of product characteristics for conformity to quality. It points out what and how much is going wrong but does not necessarily why. And the why and its rectification is what Quality Assurance Certification is all about. QC then is just a tool in the overall QM system that measures whether its QA arm is functioning effectively.

Quality Assurance activities include process checklists, process standards, process documentation and project audit. Quality control activities include inspection, employment of statistical methods, deliverable peer reviews, and testing. 

This is why an overall Quality Management Consultant with expertise on both QA with QC; should be considered when looking for such services.

For decades now, Quality pundits are unanimous in their opinion that effective quality improvement demands participation in the process across all segments of an organization and that management must demonstrate their commitment to it as well. This is the principle behind the ISO 9001 Certification Consultants.

This, so important certification approaches quality management in organizations holistically; covering such diverse factors as:

  • Criteria: controls, job management, adequacy of processes, performance, and integrity, and records and data collation
  • Competence: knowledge, skills, experiences, qualifications
  • Behavioral characteristics prevailing: integrity, motivation, inter-personnel relationships and esprit de corps in its personnel 
  • Infrastructure (including organizational culture)

Deficiency in any of the above affects the quality of output.

QA is not limited to manufacturing and can be applied to any business or non-business activity, including construction, consulting, banking, insurance, software development, retailing, investment, transportation, and education. It aims to mold behavior to quality consciousness among rank and file and once this is achieved it becomes self-sustaining.

Of the Quality Assurance Consulting firms in Sydney, PQAS is top-of-the-line, and not only do they devise appropriate Quality Management Systems for its clients but support its implementation and eventual ISO Certification.

So more information, feel free to contact us on below details:

Website: https://pqas.com.au
Phone Number: 0414775872
Email id: admin@pqas.com.au


PQAS Consultant
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