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How to Enhance the Security of Your Network?

Bruce Crawford
How to Enhance the Security of Your Network?

The world today is digitized. Every person needs access to the internet for entertainment, work, business, and even procrastination. The virtual world glues us together even when we’re miles apart, and we maintain that connection hopping from one device to the other. However, with the internet’s necessity and easy availability, comes the issue of safeguarding our data online.

As the advantages of the web have increased tenfold in the past years, loopholes and potential gateways have been created for cybercrimes. Ranging from hackers eavesdropping on every virtual move of ours, malware, pharming, phishing, ransomware, and botnets are just some of the many threats.

The real art lies in making the most of what the internet has to offer without compromising the information we upload to our virtual accounts and for that, you need to have a secure internet connection. For instance, Spectrum internet plans come with a complete protection suite, so you can carry out your online activities without worrying about the threats. Though difficult and not always successful, internet security issues can be fixed. Here are some tried and tested ways through which you can save yourself from cyber-attacks:

  1. Lock Your Accounts

Probably the most common way to prevent a thief from breaking into your gadget provided it gets stolen or you leave the device open is a virtual lock. These locks can be patterns, alphabets, digits, and even a mixture of the latter two. However, make sure that the PIN code or password you keep is not an easily guessable one. Another great way to go about it is to set an automatic lock after a specific time. This way if you leave your phone unlocked and unattended, it will auto-lock. Never use the same password for multiple places even if you’re forgetful. If one gets compromised, the hacker can log into other applications using the same code.

  1. Install an Anti-virus software

Some devices have it pre-installed but individuals make the mistake of not updating it. You see, as viruses and other malware picks up pace, the software has to continuously improve in order to battle them. If your computer does not already have it, invest in a good company’s anti-virus software.

  1. Use a VPN

Also known as virtual private network, a VPN’s benefit is not just limited to streaming Netflix titles not available in your location. A VPN helps encrypt your computer’s information so that if you’re using public Wi-Fi, no harm can be done to the data on your device.

  1. Set up Firewalls

Available in both software and hardware, firewalls act as a barrier against the threats. They block malicious activity from taking place. A hardware firewall is a device that will protect you from outside threats whereas a software firewall is installed solely on your device and it guards you against internal threats. We recommend getting both for additional security!

  1. Implement a Two-Factor Authentication

This is an extra coat of security that individuals use after putting a password on their accounts and devices. This means that when the password is entered, only one gate is opened and a second still needs to be undone. Turning on the two-factor authentication will send a code, text, or call to a device or account that only the user has access to. Provided the password is compromised, the data will still not be accessible because the unique code sent by the authentication will be required.

  1. Get Formal Training

If you’re working in a firm or on a project by yourself with requires dealing with sensitive data, understand the cyber threats, and how to tackle them if a need arises. People unwillingly compromise their information by clicking on links, visiting websites, attaching infected hardware to the devices, etc. Being educated about the damage that can be done, you will be careful to prevent security breaches.


In conclusion, the mind is a liable thing – it can only remember much. If you’re a forgetful being and cannot keep track of all the different passwords, set up hints only you can encode or list down your passwords and keep them in a safe physical, or virtual place. On bad days when something unwanted happens and you lose track of a device, card, or application – do not panic. Take the list of the passwords out and get your online presence back, erase data off your device or track it, and report a stolen card. Moreover, if you seldom use an app or your card, do understand how the information against it is logged so if a fishy activity happens, you find our right away. Using the internet these days is inevitable but being secure about it is not.

Bruce Crawford
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