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15 of the Best AI Chatbot Platforms to Increase Your Conversions in 2020

MarTech Cube
15 of the Best AI Chatbot Platforms to Increase Your Conversions in 2020

Have you ever placed an online order through the Starbucks app? Did you notice that an AI-powered chatbot takes your order? You can speak to it or type in your message. In such a case, the AI chatbot platform will help you when your order is expected to be ready and the total cost.

Simple, isn’t it?

Similarly, the Pizza Hut chatbot on Facebook Messenger can help you order your pizza online. It can tell you all about their ongoing deals too.

Smart companies are integrating intelligent and interactive chatbots into their inbound marketing strategies. The artificial intelligence of interactive chatbots is revolutionizing the customer service experience.

But how?

These platforms are more advanced than live chat software solutions. They can engage with your customers without the need for a support agent.

By adding a chatbot to your website or on Facebook, you can provide information to customers whenever they need it, and that too, quickly.

Did you know that interactive chatbots are, essentially, intelligent programs that are capable of having conversations with humans? They can help you steer your online prospects through the sales funnel with ease, right from initial discussions to final conversions.

Pro Tip: Give your customers the option of chatting with a customer service representative if your chatbot isn’t able to resolve their queries.

What is an AI Chatbot?

Chatbots are machines that converse with humans via audio or text.

And AI chatbots are smarter versions of these chatbots. They use machine learning and natural language processing to understand human intent better.

AI chatbots provide more natural communication with humans.

What’s more, you ask?

AI chatbots are trainable and, over time, learn and improve communication with your target audience.

How does this work?

For every interaction they have with the audience, they become smarter. The bots also become better and more efficient at task completion.

AI chatbots are available 24/7 and can handle conversations with multiple customers at once.

How Can You Make an AI Chatbot?

Before you can build a bot, there are several things you need to understand:

  • What problem are you trying to solve?
  • What platform will your chatbot reside on?
  • What server setup will your bot run on?

Understanding your goal, the bot’s objectives, and how you will handle input will help ensure that you get a good chatbot. It also safeguards you against unforeseen situations.

Designing the conversational flow with these factors in mind gives your chatbot a human outlook.

What’s more?

Chatbot interactions are either structured or unstructured:

  • Structured interactions are more about how information logically flows.
  • Unstructured interactions include freestyle plain text like that used while chatting with friends and family.

The former can consist of choices, menus, or forms.

You must then design scripts and ensure they serve your business goal.


  • Determine the tone and personality of the chatbot based on your business.
  • Focus on ensuring consistency with your brand voice.
  • Include a human element to hold comfortable and fluent conversations.

Your scripting data should reflect your target audience. The success of the conversation design will depend on the context and user intent.

It will also depend on entities and dialogs. These are words or expressions that determine response and the conversation structure.

Are you a coder?

The choice of the platform to build your bot will depend on whether you can code or not. There are both types of platforms available, the ones that require coding knowledge and the ones that do not. So, you can take your pick based on your coding skills.

One more thing:

Continuously test the chatbot to ensure that it fits the purpose and helps you achieve your goals.

How Can You Choose the Best AI Chatbot for Your Needs?

Not all AI chatbots will meet your specific requirements while saving you on cost and labor.

So, what should you look for when choosing the right AI chatbot for your business?


It should absorb knowledge from the organization without requiring manual teaching. Some of these organizational knowledge bases include your chat logs, CRM data, and emails. This kind of chatbot learns dynamically and rapidly as employees and customers communicate.


Choose a platform that can break down complex entities and intents. It should also understand the unique enterprise language and terms. Intelligent chatbots break down complex language and efficiently execute even complex tasks.


It should have a behavior engine, dialog manager, and natural language understanding (NLU) service tools.

What is NLU?

NLU allows the chatbot to understand and respond to communication effectively with customers.

With it, the chatbot can keep the conversation going by detecting sentiments. They can also predict customer questions, provide facts, and clarify information.

For example, asking customers, “did you mean this or something else?”

Back to the deploying factor: the chatbot should take less than two months to set up and deploy. It should also meet user expectations and requirements within the shortest time.


The chatbot should support continuous learning. It should get smarter with each interaction using semantic modeling and machine learning. It should not require manual training, unless when teaching new vocabulary.

Which are the Most Powerful Platforms to Build AI Chatbots for Your Business?

You can find interactive chatbots for websites, apps, and online messaging platforms. Are you wondering how to create an interactive chatbot for your company? There are a variety of AI chatbot platforms available in the market.

Are you ready to find the best online chatbots for your website and other platforms? Let’s dig in.

AI Chatbot Platform #1: LivePerson

Many innovative brands use LivePerson to build, deploy, and optimize bots to generate leads, drive sales, and build loyalty.

Their Conversation Builder platform allows you to easily build AI-powered chatbots with a comprehensive and intuitive point-and-click interface. The bots can deliver seamless conversational experiences across multiple conversational channels such as web messaging, SMS, Apple Business Chat, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and many more.

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