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I-888-3O3-O822 Recover Google Account by Date of Birth!

Jemma Simmons
I-888-3O3-O822 Recover Google Account by Date of Birth!

Can I Recover My Google Account by My Date of Birth

 Hey friend, have you lost your account login credentials or the account is out of access due to any hacker? Just relax! You have eight highly reliable ways to recover your Google account, recovering the account by date of birth is one of them. Apart from this, you can recover your lost or hacked account with your account recovery number, alternate email address, accessing the account with a familiar device or in a familiar location, answering account security questions, providing the date of birth, providing enough details, or any of your Google account with a contact email address which can provide you with all required information about your Google services use. Check out the steps required to recover your Google account with your date of birth. 

  • Open Google and access the account recovery section
  • Or directly type https://accounts.google.com/signin/recovery on your web browser
  • Here you will get the chance to enter your email address
  • Enter the email address that is used as account login credential
  • Then you are suggested to click on Try another way
  • Move your way forward by following the instructions
  • You will now get the chance to enter your date of birth – enter it
  • Create a strong password which has not been used for the concerned account
  • Enter the new password twice and save it
  • You have successfully retrieved your lost account
  • Now you can use this password to make your account login

 You may need technical assistance from Gmail Live Person. We will guide you in this regard. Needless to say that the tech giant Google is providing highly efficient products and services to the users, but it does not stop here. This search-engine based company is also instrumental in providing flawless customer care services which has been able to attain words of appreciations from the users. You can make a telephonic or chat conversation with the helpline experts in any day or any hour. These experts were recruited after stringent analysis on their skill and preventability. Google management has trained these professionals with world-class trainers and prepared them even for most challenging roles. Avail their services and recover the account now!

Jemma Simmons
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