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How Mobile App Helps To Raise Funds?

Amrit singh
How Mobile App Helps To Raise Funds?

It is an era of incredible innovation, typical transformation, and rapid revolution. In this technological era, the possibilities are endless and opportunities are boundless. Mobile is one of the greatest innovations of this era that has created an abundance of possibilities and opportunities for each and every sector of the business world.

I say specifically, the integral part of mobile, the mobile app which is acting as a magnetic material in the business to attract customers and to raise funds. Hybrid app and native apps are the major types of apps that are available in the worldwide market.

Mobile Apps Downloads and Usage Statistics
  • With more than 2.7 billion smartphone users worldwide, it’s no wonder that the mobile app development sector is booming. With no signs of a slowing down in the Approach reversible future, Smartphone access and mobile apps usage are still rising at a steady rate.
  • As per research reports, mobile applications are estimated to generate a revenue of 189 billion dollars by the year 2020.
  • 49% of smartphone users open the mobile application 11+ times in a single day. On the other side, 57% of the total digital media usage comes only from mobile applications.

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Amrit singh
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