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Care Nurses are playing a Crucial Role in COVID19 Pandemic

Right People
Care Nurses are playing a Crucial Role in COVID19 Pandemic

As we all know that the pandemic is still going on and nurses are playing a pivotal role in care nursing from the very beginning as they are the largest sector of healthcare working day and night dealing with COVID patients. We must not forget that in 1918, Spanish flu killed almost 6,50,000 Americans and up to 50 million people worldwide. Today, with the advancement of technology, the world is much safer than ever before because we have certain medications, PPE kits, necessary precautions and stable jobs to fight the pandemic.

There are some serious dangers of life which nurses are exposed to everyday. Let’s enlighten ourselves with some of them:

Infections: By staying on the frontline, nurses are more prone to coronavirus even after following all the safety procedures and wearing PPE kits.

Burnouts: Due to long shifts and increasing depressions, every nurse and care giver can burnout at any point of time during their shifts. So, it is very important to take safety measures beforehand.

To get rid of the burnouts, nurses should take rest in between the shifts or can go home for some time. Getting the right food while working can boost up the energy. Despite all these struggles, depression and risks associated with this job, nurses are always on the frontline whenever a pandemic comes or any illness.

To all the nurses out there caring for coronavirus patients and other sick people all around the world, we just have to say that we all are with you and we honor you.

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