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How to install HP DeskJet 2131 printer without CD?

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How to install HP DeskJet 2131 printer without CD?

If you are setting up the HP DeskJet 2131  printer for the first time and you do not know How to install the HP DeskJet 2131 printer without a CD, this post can help you.  Usually, most of the printers come with an installation CD when you purchase a new device, but if your printing device does not come with a CD, you can also install the printer driver in software manually by visiting the printer's official website.  In this post, we are going to share the simple steps that can help you with How to install HP DeskJet 2131 printer without CD. So, read on and follow the simple guidelines to complete this task.

  Install HP DeskJet 2131 Without CD: Guidelines To Follow

 Connect Through USB

Most of the printers come with a USB connection that helps the users to install the appropriate printer driver in software for their device.  Just make sure the computer and printer are connected to the same network.  Connect the printer through the USB cable and turn it on.

 In case, your HP DeskJet 2131 printer does not support the USB connectivity, you can proceed with the next step.

 Begin the installation process

Some of the printer models automatically search for the required printer drivers and software for the installation as soon as they are connected to the USB.  you can proceed with the on-screen guidelines to complete the printer installation process.

 In case your drivers are not getting installed automatically, you need to perform the manual search and begin the installation.

 For Windows: 


  • Go to the Control Panel and then click on the ‘ Devices and Printers’ option. 
  • After this, you need to click on the ‘Add a printer’ option. Your device will start looking for a printer. 
  •  You have to choose it from the list appearing and follow the onscreen guidelines to complete the task. 

For Mac OS 

  •  Form the ‘Apple’ menu and then click on the ‘System Preferences’ option. 
  • Choose the ‘Print and Fax’ option and click on the ‘+’ button present at the bottom of your printer. 
  • Choose your device and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the task. 


Download the Printer Drivers 

 Drivers play a very important role in the smooth and hassle-free functioning of the printer. Without printer drivers, your printer won’t be able to communicate with computers or execute the printing commands. 

 To download the printer software and drivers, you can visit the printer’s official website. Make sure that you enter the correct printer name or model number to download the printer drivers. Also, do not forget to select the operating system version you are using. 


We hope that these simple steps can help you with how to install hp DeskJet 2131 printer without CD. All the mentioned steps are simple and easy to follow. But, if you still have a doubt or query regarding the printer setup process without Installation CD, contact the experts. The experts can give you the best advice and make sure that nothing troubles your printing experience. 


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