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How to Write a Research Paper

Jyoti Dhiman
How to Write a Research Paper

A research paper is a study conducted on a narrow topic. A research paper implies the analysis of different points of view on the research topic and, as a final result, the presentation of your own viewpoint on the problem. Let’s figure out how to write a research paper easily and effectively.

Topic choice

When choosing a topic for a research paper, you should proceed from the relevance, and also consider the availability of sources and literature. Keep in mind that the wording of the title should be specific. We recommend avoiding topics that cover a long time period since it is unlikely that one paper will be able to cover all the available material in depth. The topic should reflect the content of the paper and be related to the purpose of the research.

Research paper structure

The research paper consists of:

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • The text of the research paper (consisting of chapters and paragraphs)
  • Conclusion
  • List of references
  • Applications


While writing an introduction, you should give an overview of the chosen topic and explain the significance of the scientific interest. Here, present the research goal and objectives, the relevance of the topic, and the chronological framework of research. Give an overview of the literature related to the topic, which is the basis for the research.

Main body

The text of the research paper should correspond to the declared topic, and it should relate to the chronological framework which you have specified in the introduction. Don’t cite well-known facts in the paper. The abundance of known facts can overshadow the new things that you discovered during your research.

Write in a scientific language neutrally, without presenting unnecessary emotions or embellishments. In a research paper, a scientific text is constructed as a chain of reasoning presented to prove a particular position. The text should be logical.

The text of the research paper should not be plagiarized. The material presented in the paper should be reliable. Don’t use long, confusing phrases and sentences. Don’t write your paper in solid text. It is better to divide it into chapters and paragraphs. Use 14 point size, with Times New Roman font.


In the conclusion, sum up your research. The conclusion should flow from the purpose and objectives of the research that you described in the introduction. Determine whether or not it was possible to achieve the goal.

List of references

The reference list should include all sources that you have used in the research. Make the list of references in alphabetical order.


The final part of your paper is the applications, which illustrates the highlights of the paper. It is recommended to add copies of rare photographs, different tables, documents, graphs, and figures, but these attachments should be associated with the text of the research. Links to the applications are required in the text.

Steps of writing a research paper

  1. Determine the research topic.
  2. Reveal to what extent the given topic is provided with literature, and present what aspects of the topic have not yet been researched.
  3. Formulate the goal and objectives of the research.
  4. Draw up a plan for the research paper. Think about questions that you should answer in order to achieve the set goal. Optionally, you can divide the work into chapters (no more than three). The chapter can be divided into paragraphs (no more than three to four). Use the right wording for the titles of chapters and paragraphs.
  5. Work with literature and sources.
  6. Write a draft of the paper.
  7. Finalize the structure of the paper.
  8. Formulate the topic of the paper based on the resulting research.
  9. Write the final research text.
  10. Proofread and edit the paper.

A research paper is a unique type of paper with its own characteristics and rules for writing. However, with this guide, it will be easier for you to deal with such an assignment. Anyone who wants to master research paper writing should stick to the presented tips, follow time management advice and meet tutor’s requirements.

Jyoti Dhiman
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