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Let your eyes spell the story of your beauty. Quick tutorials for your eyes

ujjwala kharkar
Let your eyes spell the story of your beauty. Quick tutorials for your eyes

With the advancement in lifestyle and wellness it is important to let yourself look different with perfect curves and marks. Best salon treatments in Pune include proper makeover from eye to chin. If you are somebody who cannot compromise on eye-makeup and wants to have better hands on it then this blog is definitely a treasure for you.

Clean and rinse your eyes with a cold water-
Starting on with no cleansing of the eye surface is never going to work out for you amazingly. You can hide the dirt and the scar through makeup but a deep cleaning with cold water will refresh and give complete relaxation to eye nerves.

Fill in your brows-
Use a pointed brow liner to give that perfect point to your eyebrows. Fill the gaps between hair lids and try giving that perfect shape and colour to your brows through it. When you think of having great eyes then you should first start making your brows.

Apply a base colour to even the eye skin-
From lash line to brow bone apply one tone colour to give even base throughout the eyes. You need to apply the entire colour on eyes with no part left. This helps in giving even base to eye so that whichever colour you use for eye-shadow is perfectly set.

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Apply the colour beige to your eye shadow-
After you have applied even tone skin colour now it’s time for you to put your favourite colour beige from the palette. Take a smooth brush and use it gently, to apply the perfect shade on the eye. Intelligently putted eye-shadow enhances your look, giving a powerful attraction.

Put concealer to the the dark circles-
The underneath area of the eye is where your dark circle usually occurs and dulls your entire look. Blend the area with perfect colour shade and then put concealer to let it settle with firmness. The radiance of your skin comes when you lighten up the area with perfect toning and concealing.

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Apply mascara and give your eyes salon finish touch-
After you are done with your eye-shadow art the next step is to apply mascara in that perfect shot. Be it a small stroke or a bold one, you need to apply it perfectly to give your eyes a perfect blend of mesmerizing look. It is advised to use branded and trusted cosmetics for the face since the book is always judged by its cover, your face is the window of your soul and body. Whatever goes in gets reflected through the charm of your skin.

Put liner on the lower lid of your eyes-
The beauty of your eyes comes with a complete touch of eye liner. Put liner on the lower lid of your eyes. Nowadays, you can opt to have as many as colour for your eyelid. Make sure whichever colour you use never let you go out of the trend. Do not neglect the edges of your eyes, give it a sharpness and blush the liner with a thin and smooth brush. The area of skin is sensitive and using rash cosmetics or appliances might be risk oriented.

 Snow when you do eye makeup keep these points in mind and make sure the outcome is perfect For any doubts and enquiry contact the best unisex salon in Pune- Apple salon at  +91 8888 1700 11. You can also visit us at https://www.applesalon.in/


ujjwala kharkar
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