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Compliance Management UAE

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Compliance Management UAE

Business visit to UAE: What do I need to know?


Compliance Management UAE Citizens of select countries are eligible for a visa free entry or visa-on-arrival. However, other nationalities would require a pre-approved visit visa to travel to UAE. The terms of entry and duration of stay, etc. would differ from one nationality to another.

UAE’s short-term visit visa policies are categorised, and the entry policies are formed based on the agreement between various countries. Nationals of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member countries enjoy freedom of movement and are visa-exempt for an undefined duration of stay. 


Citizens of select countries are eligible for a visa free entry or visa-on-arrival. The terms of entry and duration of stay, etc. would differ from one nationality to another. However, other nationalities would require a pre-approved visit visa to travel to UAE. Hands on work or profit generating work activities are not permitted on business visitor status from a strict immigration compliance perspective. 


What are the activities generally permitted as a UAE business visitor?


In the UAE, business visitors must generally limit their activities to the following:

  1. Attending meetings, discussions or conferences in a meeting room environment
  2. Participating in sales or marketing activities, such as meeting with potential clients
  3. Attending or participating in a conference, seminar or exhibition
  4. Attending or receiving training


These are most common reasons why business visitors generally travel and considered as allowable activities for a business visitor. There may be other allowable business visitor activities under certain circumstances, however, those would need to be reviewed independently in the context of the business reason for the travel.


UAE Business Visa process and requirements


The process and requirements vary depending on which of the following categories a visitor falls in.


  1. Visa on arrival or visa free nationals: 

Visit visa on arrival or visa free nationals can perform business activities, but no hands-on work is permitted. They can enter the UAE on a visit visa for a period of 30 or 90 days depending on the eligibility criteria set by the authorities. 


The individuals eligible for visit visa on arrival can travel to the UAE and get the visa at the airport of entry, free of charge in most cases. The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months at the time of entry into the UAE and have sufficient space on the passport page to get entry date stamped. The individuals may also be required to present documentation, at the discretion of an immigration officer, regarding the purpose of the travel, travel arrangements for the return or onward journey, and proof of sufficient financial means for the stay, etc. 


  1. Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) Residents: 

Individuals residing in one of the GCC countries are eligible for an e-visa to UAE on the basis of their residence permit in one of those countries. On-arrival visa is not granted at this stage, therefore, prior to their travel into the UAE, procuring an e-visa is now a must. 


  1. Nationals requiring pre-approved business visa: 

Nationals who are not eligible for a visit visa on arrival will require a sponsored short-term business visa pre-approved before arrival through a UAE business entity where they will be conducting business activities. Please note, there is also a Tourist visa category that can be applied through tourist agencies, however individuals entering on a Tourist visa are not allowed to conduct business or work activities.


Precaution to be taken by a business visitor: What do I need to be aware of as a business visitor?


The purpose of the visit is to conduct business related activities. It is important to take certain precaution during the visit. Some of the general measures are as follows: 

  1. Wear visitor badge or visitor pass during the duration of the visit
  2. Sign a visitor book that maybe located at the reception
  3. Should not sit on workstations and remain in the guest area or meeting or conference room
  4. should not receive any remuneration locally or engage in any financial transactions on behalf of the host business entity
  5. Hold a hotel booking or return ticket as evidence of the limited duration of stay in the country


How do I enter access controlled free zone jurisdictions as business visitor?


Some of the jurisdiction within UAE may require the travellers to procure prior approval in the form of access or gate pass from the regulatory authorities. The access passes are requested by the host company; hence the travellers may need to coordinate with the host point of contact and request for the access pass well in advance. 


How can BM Strategies assist?


Given the dynamic nature of the immigration environment, we at BM Strategies guide our clients on the best and most efficient options in developing, implementing, and managing compliant UAE immigration programs. Please reach out to us for more information on contactus@bmstrategies.com


Disclaimer: The information provided here are only for the purpose of providing an overview regarding the UAE immigration processes related to business visa. The immigration regulations are subject to change from time to time and from one jurisdiction to another. The information provided hereby should not be considered an opinion or advice from BM Strategies but only a practical guide for general information. visit this website = https://bmstrategies.com/


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