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Agile Methodology Steps (SDLC)

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Agile Methodology Steps (SDLC)

Agile methodology is an exciting and attractive approach to software development. By integrating the product developers and clients in the planning and executing processes, the result is a more satisfying experience for everybody involved. 

What Is Agile Methodology?

Agile methodology is a development process that supports continuous steps of software development and testing by the software development lifecycle process. Both testing and development services are similar to the waterfall model.

Agile Software Development Life Cycle


During the first phase of the agile software development life cycle, the team scopes out and prioritizes plans. Some teams may effort on more than one task at the same time liable on the department’s organization.


Once you have recognized the project, work with stakeholders to fix requirements. You might need to use user flow plans or high-level UML diagrams to establish how the new feature should function and how it will fit into your present system.


Once a team has well-defined requirements for the early sprint based on stakeholder reaction and requirements, the work starts. UX designers and developers start work on their first iteration of the project, with the area of having a working product to promotion at the end of the sprint. 

Benefits of Agile Methodology

Stakeholder Engagement and Satisfaction 

The agile methodology generates many chances through each sprint consultation for honest engagement between the team and the stakeholders


An Agile methodology provides a single opportunity for customers to be involved all over the project, from listing features to iteration planning and evaluation sessions to recurrent software build holding new features.

Early and Predictable Delivery 

Executions are detained on a secure schedule of 1 to 4 weeks. By using this time-boxed process, the probability is high as new structures can be carried to the stakeholders rapidly and frequently.

Predictable Costs and Schedule

Because each Run is a fixed time, the cost is expected and partial to the quantity of work that can be finished by the team in the fixed schedule duration box. 

Flexible Prioritization

Scrum procedures allow more flexibility by listing the customer-driven structures. The team has more control in handling the shippable components of work with each execution interface, creation continuous progress to the final product milestone.

 Agile Methodologies


Scrum is a lightweight agile project management framework with wide applicability for handling and controlling iterative and incremental developments of all types.

Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming method is very helpful when there is regularly changing anxieties or requirements from the clients or when they are not sure about the functionality of the system. 


Crystal methodology is one of the lightweight and flexible methods in developing software. It is made up of some agile methods including Crystal Orange, Crystal Yellow, and Clear, other uniquely branded methods. 

Dynamic System Development Method

DSDM, dating back to 1994, produced out of the need to offer an industry-standard project distribution framework for what was raised to as Rapid Application Development (RAD) at the time.



Sataware Technologies one of the leading Mobile App Development Company in Minnepolis, USA. We’re specialist in areas such as Custom Software Development, Mobile App Development, Ionic Application Development, Website Development, E-commerce Solutions, Cloud Computing, Business Analytics, and Business Process Outsourcing (Voice and non-voice process) We believe in just one thing – ON TIME QUALITY DELIVER


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  • Software Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Web Development
  • UI/UX Design and Development
  • AR and VR App Development
  • IoT Application Development
  • Android App Development
  • iOS App Development


Sataware Technologies

 +1 5204454661


 Contact us: https://www.sataware.com



1330 West, Broadway Road, 

Tempe, AZ 85282, USA 

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