AI Products 

Industrial Weighing Scales & Packaging | Hardy Process Solutions

Francisco Lewis
Industrial Weighing Scales & Packaging | Hardy Process Solutions

Hardy helps manufacturers and processors by providing process measurement solutions that reduce waste, increase productivity and improve quality, often by up to 50% over prior systems. Our customers find Hardy’s people and solutions easy to work with and reliable, while delivering an exceptional return on investment.

Hardy offers a broad line of process weighing instrumentation, load cells, sensors and scales for use in a variety of applications including mixing/blending, filling/dispensing, check weighing, rate control/monitoring, level by weight, and filling/dispensing.

Weight data is easily transferred directly to PLCs, PACs, DCSs and PCs via plug-in weigh scale modules or over interfaces such as EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, ControlNet, Ethernet TCP, Remote I/O, Profibus DP, and Modbus TCP.

Industries such as pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic, chemical, petroleum, forest products, aggregate /mining, glass and automotive all rely on Hardy products and weighing expertise to provide timely, accurate data and control for their processes.

Francisco Lewis
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