AI Products 

The Realization Of The Frsky Hobby Of Rc Model Aircraft

tom lee
The Realization Of The Frsky Hobby Of Rc Model Aircraft

In today's article we are going to talk about some of the products that frsky has, what they are called and what they are for apart from also providing some photos of them.

We will start talking about stations and these I divide into two groups: 1-stations for the realization of leisure and hobbies

In this subgroup I place the stations with a lower cost and that have some fewer functions than the high-end ones, but that for recreational flight they fulfill their function without problem. Some examples are the taranis xlite, the taranis x9d plus, taranis qx7, the new taranis x9 lite / lite s

 2-stations more professional to handle more complex models and of a higher cost.

In this group we are already talking about stations with a higher cost but we are also talking about an increase in functions considerably. They have hall effect gimballs, incorporate very intuitive and color screens, things that those of a lower cost do not incorporate, they incorporate a transmission system and improved reception so you can enjoy the flight without worrying that the station may fail safe from one moment to the next.

We continue the article and we are going to talk about receivers and we are going to see that this company has a great variety of models according to the needs of each pilot and the needs they require and the number of channels of the aircraft that we are going to use for our activity. I will also divide it into two large groups of sbus receivers for racing drones and fpv wings and then the pwm receivers for airplanes since these need to connect the servos to the receiver and the variator through the 3-wire connector known as the servo cable.

Receivers with sbus output; These receivers only incorporate 3 cables or 4 if they have telemetry, they are usually a positive cable (+) that is usually red, then the black cable that is the negative (-) and a white or yellow cable that is usually the signal cable sbus.

Example: xm, xm +, rxsr, xsr, x4r

Receivers with pwm signal output. These receivers usually incorporate a plastic box that protects the electronics and usually have 3 metal pins per channel. These outputs are usually connected to the esc by which the receiver is fed and to this also the servos and other sensors are connected

Examples: x8r, x6r, s6r, s8r, d8r

Video transmitters; frsky markets a video transmitter called vs600. The VS600 is the first video transmitter developed by the FrSky team. The 48-Channel Video Transmitter features 3 power settings (25mW / 200mW / 600mW) and a very useful Pit Mode that allows users to turn it on at low power (1mW) to change settings and test during racing events without the fear. to interfere with other users. The selection of your Operating Bands and Channels is easily adjusted with two buttons and the LED indicators are easy to read.

The antenna cable with UFL connection can easily be placed in the optimal location. Exceptionally, the VS600 has 2 different mounting hole options on 1 plate, 31mm spacing and 20mm spacing. One of the most useful features is that all settings can be fully adjusted using OpenTX Lua Script and the FrSky FreeLink application.

Controller board for fpv racing drones:


• RXSR receiver

• STM32 F4 processor

• MPU6000 Gyro via SPI

• BMP280 barometer

• Integrated Betaflight OSD

• 5 UART ports

• Direct plugin 3-6 S Lipo

• Built in LC filter

• 5V 1000mA BEC

• 8V 1000mA BEC

• More caps to reduce noise from gyro power.

The specifications

• STM32 F405 MCU, runs Betaflight firmware (v3.2 compatible)

• FrSky RXSR receiver in protection box

• MPU6000 by SPI Bus

• 30.5x30.5mm mounting holes

• Compatible with direct connector Lipo (3-6 S)

• Compatible with 5V 1A BEC output (Buck)

• Supports 8V 1A BEC with LC filter output for camera and VTX (Buck)

• STM32 chip OSD controls over SPI in DMA mode (Betaflight OSD)

tom lee
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