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How to Start and Complete Data Quality Management

Vladyslav Afrin
How to Start and Complete Data Quality Management

Today, data lies at the core of most business processes. Sites and applications process users’ information to provide better services, give personalized insights, form predictions, and make responsible decisions. According to Gartner, the cost of poor data quality amounts to values between 9 and 14 million. Even pre-seed startups waste about $18,000 per year – and many of them don’t even use that much data. No matter what level your business is at, poor data quality will quickly create problems, if left unaddressed. In this guide, we’ll talk about data quality definition, the challenges of data quality management, and find a way to solve them. You’ll know which data can be considered high-quality and will be able to eliminate the poor-quality files. Data Quality Management Definition Data quality management is a process that involves sorting through data, determining the criteria for high-quality information, and developing strategies and tools for eliminating data that failed to meet these requirements. Data quality criteria always derive from specific business objectives. Therefore, data quality specialists should be directly involved in conversations about business challenges and priorities. Your data team should be aware of business priorities, needs of end customers, and current problems.


Full article here https://jelvix.com/blog/data-quality-management

Vladyslav Afrin
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