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MSME Registration Eligibility

MSME Registration Eligibility

MSME Registration Eligibility and Classification 

Here we have explained the eligibility criteria of MSME registration for small-scale business owners in India.

Turnover & Investment in plant and machinery or equipment the following criteria is declared by the Ministry of MSME.

Microenterprise units : Enterprise with investment up to Rs 1 crore with a turnover of less than 5 crores will now be called small enterprise units.

Small enterprise units : Enterprise with investment up to Rs 10 crore with a turnover of less than 50 crores will now be called small enterprise units.

Medium enterprise units : Enterprises with investments up to Rs 50 crore with a turnover of less than Rs 250 crore will now be called Medium units.


Enterprise Turnover Investment
Micro Not more than 5 Cr. Not more than 1 Cr.
Small Not more than 50 Cr. Not more than 10 Cr.
Medium Not more than 250 Cr. Not more than 50 Cr.


Eudyogaadhaar.org makes the process for MSME registration very simple and user-friendly. The online registration process of MSME is simple for any business individual as follows:

Step 1: Visit the MSME Registration portal

Step 2: Fill all the details on MSME Registration Form, like aadhaar number, name, and address

Step 3: Make the online payment for your MSME Registration Application

Step 4: One of our registration experts will process your MSME Registration application

Step 5: In 1-2 hours you will receive your MSME Registration e-certificate at your registered e-mail address.

Above we have mentioned various benefits of getting an MSME registration certificate for your business. The online registration MSME process is very simple it’s a paperless process with no uploading or submitting of documents required anymore.

If you want to re-register in MSME Portal, as you know the registration process will be called as Udyam Registration, please visit the link given below

Udyam Registration for Proprietor

Udyam Registration for Pvt Limited Company

Udyam Registration for Partnership Firm

Udyam Registration for Pubic Limited Company

Udyam Registration for Others

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