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Backup your Instagram photos on your Android

ronaldo dx
Backup your Instagram photos on your Android

Learn how to backup your Instagram photos on your Android(Backup Instagram images)

For several years now, Instagram has positioned itself as one of the most important social networks within the youth and

especially for all lovers of photography, proof of the popularity it has had is that Facebook reached an agreement to buy

this net.

If you are one of the people who usually upload their photographs on Instagram, you have been able to realize that there

is no way to save them after a while, that is why you need to make a backup copy of all your publications, so as not

to lose those moments that you have shared with your friends here. To learn the process to save them.

What application to use?
First of all, you must make sure you have the Instagram application installed and log into the account in which you want

to back up your photos, after that you must download the application called Photo Saver for Instagram , which will be the

one in charge of downloading all the publications you have made.

Photo Saver for Instagram
In addition, you can also choose by dates, tags or simply by a range criteria . It will be the same app that will show you

how you want to save all the copies, that is, you can choose between the mobile memory and the MicroSD card, something

basic but very useful. As if that were not enough, it can also generate a URL address so that you enter them when you want

to download them.

Photo Saver for Instagram
The steps to follow
After having installed the application, enter it and you must enter your username or email and the password that you use

on your Instagram, once inside you will be able to see that the app offers you the option of downloading the photos by

date or a total determined of images that you are selecting or failing that by the labels that you placed.

Photo Saver for Instagram 2

There is also a very important section that draws attention, is that you can also save on your Android mobile the

photographs of other people that you have liked, this may seem interesting to many users, for this there is a tab with the symbol a heart.

Photo Saver for Instagram 4

After that, press the download option and the Photo Saver For Instagram application will develop a .zip file where it will

store all the photographs you have selected and will save them on the site that you have indicated, a fairly simple process that It will help you save all the photos you have posted on your Instagram account.

Download Photo Saver for Instagram(Save Instagram photos to my phone)

ronaldo dx
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