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What is PPC (Pay Per Click) and How it Works?

Mark Ellis
What is PPC (Pay Per Click) and How it Works?

The PPC has already become an essential tool in online marketing. Being one of the great sources of traffic for web pages of all kinds and the perfect complement to the organic traffic that is achieved through SEO. Let us see in more detail what it consists of.

What is PPC in marketing?

They are the acronym for Pay per Click payment, or pay per click. An Internet advertising formula allows the advertiser to pay only for the clicks that his ad receives.

How does pay per click work on the Internet?

Actually, the PPC has different variants. The classic one, and from which it receives its name, is the one in which the advertiser pays for each click that has been made on their ad. What today is known as CPC or cost per click.

The second modality is the CPM or cost per impression. Here the advertiser pays a fee that is determined based on the number of times their ad is displayed.

The last modality is the CPA or cost per acquisition, in which the advertiser pays only if the visitor performs a certain action (buy, fill out a form, download an eBook, etc.). If you are based in UK and Looking for Best PPC Consultants London, You can find it here.

What are the advantages of this form of advertising?

The first great advantage is that it is a very effective marketing, since the ad is only shown to those people who may really be interested in the product or service offered. By segmenting the campaigns, the return on investment is much higher.

On the other hand, it also allows you to control spending very well. The advertiser sets the maximum budget that he wants to spend and knows that he will only pay in those cases in which the ad has been effective and has managed, at least, to bring traffic to his website.

Different platforms to do PPC

  • Google AdWords or Google Ads

Google AdWords it is, without a doubt, the best known. Its great advantage is that it displays ads in search results, above websites that have a good organic positioning.

  • Bing Ads

It arose from the union of Microsoft and Yahoo. Its operation is very similar to the Google advertising platform and the bid prices are somewhat cheaper.

It is a very good alternative for those websites that want to have more diffusion in the Latin American market.


  • Facebook Ads

The advertising system Facebook it is also very popular throughout the world. Its great advantage is that campaigns can be highly segmented and do not need to make large investments, making it an attractive option even for SMEs and freelancers.

  • InfoLinks

This platform searches for keywords within blogs and transforms them into ads. It is a very popular form of advertising because it is very unobtrusive.

These are just some examples, but there are other platforms such as Contextual or DNTX that also give very good results. The choice of the platform and the type of campaign to use depends on the objectives being sought at each moment.

PPC is very effective but it is not easy to carry out, so it is best to put yourself in the hands of specialists such as a PPC agency that knows how to design and implement an effective campaign.

  • LinkedIn Ads

The professional social network par excellence also has its own advertising system. A very good option to get quality leads and be able to reach professionals or companies. It can be useful for companies looking for clients, but also for professionals who want to make themselves known.

  • Instagram Ads

Instagram is the queen of social networks today, and takes advantage of its advantage over the rest by offering those interested a paid advertising system. Its main advantage is that it has an audience of all kinds, so it is usually a very efficient advertising.

PPC is very effective but it is not easy to carry out, so it is best to put yourself in the hands of specialists such as a PPC agency that knows how to design and implement an effective campaign.

Mark Ellis
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