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Rediscover your Life with Professional Help

Affordable Evaluations
Rediscover your Life with Professional Help

Address your Alcohol or Drug Issues

Heavy drinking or drug use takes a toll on the mental and physical health of an individual and increases not only health risks, but also hampers his family life and career. Unchecked substance use often results in problems at work like indiscipline, and affects family life, sometimes leading to a divorce and court cases. This further leads to alcohol and drug tests, failing which causes more problems.

Drug and alcohol evaluations are required after, violation of workplace policy regarding alcohol, a positive drug or alcohol test at work. You can even be removed from duty, as a result of policy violation. For being allowed to return to work, employers require substance abuse assessment and a recommendation from the evaluator justifying that the employee is fit to return to work after a negative test result.

Alcohol evaluations, might be required in court- ordered cases, where a person is arrested and convicted of some crime and is now serving probation, but have violated probation terms.There are several situations when your attorney might require you to submit to an alcohol evaluation, following an alcohol related arrest, divorce case, child custody or other legal issues.

Look for a High- Quality Service and Compassionate Agency

Substance abuse evaluations should be administered by state certified agencies only. The professional agency you choose should be recognized by the Texas court system, out of state court systems, DMV’s and other important regulating bodies. The guidance of the professionals like counselors and attorneys, in these agencies is a significant step to get your career and life back on track.  

The assessment done by professionals identifies the condition and extent of an offender’s problem. It is essential to understand the extent of substance use in an individual for careful diagnosis, appropriate management and the right treatment. Only after accurate alcohol use evaluations, a treatment plan is designed by a counselor to address the person’s specific problems.

A certified alcohol drug evaluation agency, has qualified and sympathetic counselors for evaluation. These counselors obtain important information by using methods of standard screening, assessment and interview protocols which are designed for accurate treatment. The agencies have valuable resources and experience to get you drug and alcohol free so that you can restart your life. Once you quit alcohol and drugs after misusing them for years, you will feel better, think clearer, will be able to rediscover yourself and build a new and better alcohol and drug free life and career.

For alcohol evaluations, Houston, look for an agency that is experienced and can expedite your evaluation report so that you can get back to work as early as possible. A reliable agency always offers services at affordable prices and works in the interest and betterment of their clients. They also keep the details confidential.

Stop substance use, get disciplined and watch your career take off with the help of Affordable Evaluations, a licensed and certified agency for mental health and substance use evaluations. The professional and affordable help of the professionals at this agency will help you channelize your energy towards your goals.

Affordable Evaluations
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