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Here are some important tips for growing an Instagram account

Here are some important tips for growing an Instagram account

Everyone checks the feed of their Instagram account multiple times a day, the users of social media platforms including Instagram are constantly growing. Therefore, businesses are also now focusing on social media platforms for marketing their products. Users on Instagram are also trying to grow their individual likes and followers to get fame. We are going to share an easy way to get more likes on Instagram

You can run contests on Instagram 

You must be wondering why Instagram users are running contests on their account, well, this is an advanced method for increasing engagement on your account. Most contests on Instagram require users to like to post or tag someone in the comments. These interactions on your posts would significantly grow the organic reach of your posts. Make sure that you are using funny and entertaining content in the contests to increase the interest of the users in these posts. The tagged users in these contests are likely to check your account and may start following you as well. These contests are an opportunity to grow followers and likes on your page. 

Interact with other users

You should interact with other users as well if you are looking to grow followers and likes. When you like a post by a random account, they are likely to check your profile and may start following and liking your posts. Interactions on Instagram is a proven way to increase engagement on your posts. Find out content related to your niche, like them, and post some interesting comments as well so that they check your account to know more about you. 

Cross-posting is also helpful 

Remember, you can always share your Instagram posts on other social media platforms and drive traffic from them. This is beneficial for you especially when you have decent followers on other social media platforms. 

Post entertaining content

Users on Instagram are usually looking for entertaining content, you should provide them their desired content, know about their habits, and then plan content for your page. Some users also post behind the scenes videos on their Instagram account. Similarly, when you are promoting products on Instagram, make short videos of how your products are manufactured. 

Do some research about your competitors 

If you want to know the type of content which your target audience prefers, do some research about your competitors and check what type of content they are posting on their accounts. Don’t copy content from their accounts but you can always get new ideas from their content. 

If you want to grow your followers, think of interesting content that can drive conversations on your posts. If users are giving feedback about your posts, use their feedback to improve the content on your Instagram page. If they have queries regarding the products or services offered by your business, reply to them timely, these factors are considered by Instagram to rank your posts on Instagram.

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