Find organic walnuts manufacturers, fresh akhrot suppliers, exporters, wholesalers, and distributors in India. Buy walnut online at the wholesale rate with Indian manufacturers at Shoppa
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अखरोट में बहुत से पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हैं जैसे विटामिन्स, कैल्शियम, मैग्नीशियम, आयरन, फास्फोरस, कॉपर, सेलेनियम और प्रोटीन। अखरोट को खाने से कई बीमारियों से निजात मिल जाती हैं.अखरोट के फायदेअखरोट के फायदे (akhrot in hindi) बहुत ही बेशकीमती हैं.
अखरोट (akhrot in hindi) में ओमेगा-3 फैटी एसिड होते हैं जो दिमाग को तंदरुस्त बनाए रखने में लाभकारी होते हैं.
अखरोट खाने से सूजन भी काफी हद तक कम हो जाती हैं.पाचन तंत्र में मददगारअखरोट के फायदे (akhrot ke fayde) पाचन क्रिया में फायदेमद होते हैं.
चेहरे पर चमक लाने के लिये आप अखरोट (akhrot in hindi) के पाउडर में ओलिव आयल मिला कर एक पेस्ट तैयार करें और इस पेस्ट को चेहरे पर लगा लें.
अखरोट में पोटाशियम, ओमेगा-3 और ओमेगा-6 भरपूर मात्रा में होते हैं जो बालों को मजबूत और लम्बे बंनाने में लाभकारी साबित होते हैं.
We do everything possible to provide our customers with only high-quality walnuts.Since 1993, Published research has been investigating how eating walnuts affect various heart health biomarkers and risk markers including:LDL and HDL cholesterolApolipoprotein B and non-HDLcholesterolBlood PressureInflammationEndothelial functionPlaque formationNEW BIOMARKERSWALNUTS & HEART HEALTHChandler WalnutThe University of California introduced Chandler Walnut in 1979 and named it after W.H.
The Chandlers are harvested from the middle to the end of the season and offer one of the highest grain yields of all varieties.Vina WalnutThe Vina walnut, which is harvested in the early to mid-season, has a high level of side fertility and bears medium-quality pointed nuts with well-sealed shells.
You’ve come to the right place as our Vina walnuts are naturally grown and sourced from California.
Thanks to the unique Mediterranean climate of the Central Valley and the abundant water reserves in Northern California, the walnut plantations are thriving.
The Chandlers are harvested from the middle to the end of the season and offer one of the highest grain yields of all varieties.Why We Are UniqueWhen you buy Chandler Walnut online, the truth is you don’t always know where they’re coming from or how they’ve been harvested, cleaned, handled, or stored.
This mostly results in a lackluster walnut and that is far from being impressive or fresh.
In 2019, the American Association for Cancer Research stated that eating walnuts reduce the chances of cancer and protect from many severe diseases.
You can protect yourself from many diseases through walnuts.
So let’s know about some benefits of eating walnuts –Read More
Walnuts are a natural product.
More benefits of walnuts like lower blood pressure, good for the brain and they are good sources of proteins for health.
We provide all types of dry fruits.
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