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Something Special In Samsung Galaxy S21 Series

The Pak Studio
Something Special In Samsung Galaxy S21 Series

Something Special In Samsung Galaxy S21 Series: Samsung is introducing the Galaxy S21 series of phones on January 14. Lex has been coming out for months regarding these phones and almost all the details have been revealed ahead of time.

But the company has hinted that despite all the leaks, there is something special hidden in these phones. Samsung has shared 2 videos on Twitter focusing on the phone’s cameras.

One video showed the animation of a surfer riding a wave while the other showed the S21’s rear camera setup.

The caption of the tweet of the first video reads ‘You are going to get all the details’, followed by the date of 14th January.

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The caption of the second video reads, “Welcome to the Everyday Epic.”

So far, a lot has been said about the cameras in all the leaks, but the company’s teaser videos indicate that some kind of 3D camera is being offered in the S21 series, which has not been mentioned in any teaser.

Recently, well-known Twitter user Ivan Blas shared infographics of all the features of the S21, S21 Plus and S21 Ultra cameras.

Read Complete: https://thepakstudio.com/mobile-phone/something-special-in-samsung-galaxy-s21-series/

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