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Dalton Danger Mens Developmental Football Team

Steel layes
Dalton Danger Mens Developmental Football Team

Here with the Dalton Danger we are a family, and as a family, we have been faced with tough choices in unprecedented times. With COVID-19 cases surging nationally and states setting daily records the near term future of our health is uncertain-After discussion with our team,ownership and fans/community we have made the difficult decision to TEMPORARY suspend all operations as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety for all our players, families , fans and our community. We need to do our part to help in this time no matter how hard the decision may be with peoples health,financial situations and lives. Life is bigger then the sport we all love. With the vaccine being distributed in stages we could and would consider restarting things later in year. Thank you to each player and fan who has been with us every step of the way… we will get through this together.


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+1 423-598-8240

Steel layes
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