Is there a loved one or family member around you dealing with addiction? Addiction can come from prescription pain medication, illegal substances, or alcohol. Whatever the drug of choice for the individual, the addiction can lead down a path of irrefutable damage. From mangling relationships with their loved ones to being in trouble with the law, living your life for addiction is no way to live at all.
Though, those that love an addict may find it difficult to cope with the loss of the person they once knew. The person is now a totally different person, with little glimmers of who they used to be. If you're in a situation where you have a person with an addiction in your life, and you'd like to help them, you'd likely want to know what the best way to handle the situation would be.
Worry About Overdosing
The figures for overdose deaths in the United States are staggering. Heroin addiction is the number one. It only takes one usage of heroin for a person to become an addict. It only takes one time of taking the wrong amount, and death is a result. For most family members and friends, the worry of their loved one overdosing is significant. It could be thought about consuming and interfering with their daily life. To combat the possibility of overdosing, getting your loved one help sooner rather than later is the best option. Though most addicts, until they are ready, won't seek treatment on their own.
Prior Mental Health Issues
Mental health issues can occur before addiction begins. This doesn’t mean that the mental health disorder contributed to the addiction, simply that it was present. If you’re dealing with a loved with a history of mental health issues it can be an uphill battle for recovery. For this situation, friends and family are better off seeking a treatment center that offers dual diagnosis treatment. Not only can the addiction be treated but also the underlying mental health. In many ways treating mental health can help an addict stay in recovery.
Don't Cater
This is the biggest rule friends and family should follow. If you cater to your addicted family member or friend, you'll be giving them away to use. This is counterproductive to them quitting, and only creates a situation where you turn resentful, then upset because they're using. While it may be difficult to what some may consider 'turn your back'—there have to be boundaries. Instead, offer assistance with finding a treatment plan or facility to help them get clean. The addict may struggle with you putting up a wall, but having a boundary and offering support in a healthy way is the best option. The dynamic may drastically vary depending on the situation, including a parent/child relationship.