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Mini Tractor is the Grant For Small And Marginal Farmers

Mini Tractor is the Grant For Small And Marginal Farmers

Mini tractor, also known as Small Tractor, Chota Tractor, Compact Tractor, and Orchard Tractor, is a small packet of features. It has all the advanced and modern features like a big tractor have. These types of tractors come in small sizes for performing small farms and gardens applications. Mini tractors are always the first choice of small and marginal farmers and always stand at the top of medium and small farmers wishlist. 

Mini tractors come in a wide range, starting from 15 hp to 30 hp. These tractors are a well performer and made with the latest technology, improving production. Mini tractors are also cost-effective and budget-friendly for farmers. Mini tractor price range is Rs. 2.50 to Rs. 6.15 Lakh*, which varies as per locations and regions. 

Following are the popular mini tractor in India:- 

  • Massey Ferguson 6028 4WD is a 28 hp mini tractor, 3-cylinders, 1318 CC engine generating 2109 engine rated RPM. The tractor model has 23.8 PTO hp, delivering optimum power to the attached implement. Mini tractor price is Rs. 5.10 - 5.50 Lakh*. 
  • John Deere 3028 EN is a  28 HP tractor, 3-cylinders, powerful engine generating 2800 ERPM. It comes with a ROPS that protects the tractor from rollover and overturns. Mini tractor price is Rs. 5.65-6.15 Lakh*.
  • Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT is a 15 hp tractor, 1-cylinders, 863.5 CC engine generating 2300 ERPM. It has a single plate dry clutch to make the gear shifting and tractor functioning easy and effortless. Mini tractor price is Rs 2.50 - 2.75 Lakh*. 

These are all about mini tractors. If you are searching for second-hand mini tractor and certified tractor dealers then visit Tractor Junction.

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