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Rising Arm Barriers In Pakistan

Access Technologies
Rising Arm Barriers In Pakistan

Rising arm barriers mostly used at toll booths or checkpoints, you may have crossed the rising arm barriers. These heavy-duty automatic rising arm barriers are designed as a method for controlling the passage of vehicles through a designated entrance or exit. To better understand these traffic barriers, let’s take a look at their nature, functions, and typical usage.

What Is a Boom Gate?

Boom gate, also known as automatic rising arm barriers, is one of the simplest but effective automatic barriers. The boom gate consists of a long arm that automatically lowers to prevent oncoming vehicles from moving. To raise an army, the driver must present a pass, enter a password, pay a toll, or wait until the system recognizes that it is safe to drive. Typically, the motor raises and lowers the arm, and sensors or a safety access system control the operation of the motor.

Why would you need an arm barrier?

Rising arm barriers are mainly used in a complete plan to restrict traffic. This can be for example in private parking lots, industrial land, level crossings, viaducts, and bridges or government areas.

Rising Arm Barriers

Benefits of Automatic Barriers and Boom Gates

Boom gates are a very simple form of automatic barrier. With few moving parts, they are generally reliable and easy to install and maintain. These benefits may help explain why boom barriers are so common in the modern world.

Arm blocker

Why Choose Access Technologies

More than 9 years of experience in automatic door installation and maintenance, independent of the door company, which means we can choose the right product for you. We provide automatic doors for homes, hospitals, colleges, universities, shops, offices, and banks.

About Us

Since 2010, Access Technologies in Pakistan has been a leader in automation, security, and access solutions. We are constantly pursuing excellence. We sincerely thank our customers and strategic partners who have long-term business relationships with us. For more details, please contact us.

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