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LG refrigerator repair and service in Bangalore

LG refrigerator repair and service in Bangalore

Refrigerators are electronic appliances, the main purpose of the fridge is cooling. We can chill the items that we want to cool. Having a refrigerator is to enjoy cool items such as ice-creams, cold drinks, and many more. You can also store vegetables, fruits, milk products and many more than one week. Leftovers can also be stored in the refrigerator. And you can enjoy them the next day. As a refrigerator is an electronic appliance it may get repair time after using it for a long span of time. We provide repair service to electronic appliances. We repair all types of refrigerators at your doorstep. Our service center provides quality spare parts with 90 days warranty. Contact us: 8106660022, 18008918106, if you face any kind of problems with your refrigerators. LG Refrigerator repair and service in Bangalore

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