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Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Software Development

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Software Development

Every organization which deals with software development faces a choice: to organize its own IT department or partner with a third-party team. There is no one-size-fits-all solution because every company is unique. However, any HR will confirm that finding IT specialists is not an easy task. True professionals either work full-time or cost a lot. You can hire young or entry-level guys, but who says they won’t leave as soon as they gain some experience? Staff selection is a long and tedious process. Checking test tasks, holding interviews, forming proposals, and waiting for answers may take months or even years.


When hiring a ready-made team, this problem drops away. That is why many companies prefer to outsource development. Yet, you should not take it as a magic wand. As often happens, there are pros and cons of IT outsourcing. In this post, we’ll consider them in detail. Let’s move on!

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