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Coinless laundromat near me

Laundry room PHX
Coinless laundromat near me

LAundry room PHX is the newest coinless laundromat near me in Phoenix. We offer you multiple options instead of coins to make your laundry payments seamless and effortless. Our coinless Laundromat service offers an efficient and seamless experience while paying to wash your clothes. The coinless Laundry Phoenix AZ  service by The Laundry Room allows you to pay for your laundry service by using your credit card or debit card right at the machine. All of our laundry machines are brand new which will make your payment process simple, and quick! We offer the highest quality wash and fold service in Phoenix, for all kinds of clothes and fabrics. At The Laundry Room, we ensure a thorough and hygienic washing for all of your clothes by using the best technology and newest washers and dryers. Stains and concentrated dirt is removed from your clothing with ease due to our collective 90 years of experience in the laundry industry. All of your Washed and dried clothes are properly folded and safely packaged for pick up. We are the industry leader and laundry service provider of choice through our consistent pursuit of excellence with the range of services that we offer.

Laundry room PHX
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