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Digital Marketing Advertising Agency in Mumbai - Mediallianz

Pritesh Patel
Digital Marketing Advertising Agency in Mumbai - Mediallianz

Mediallianz is a full-service digital Marketing agency in Mumbai. We not only call ourselves a digital agency but also an ethical agency. Our strong belief is that it's important to stay sustainable and ethical as we care about our clients and the impact they can have. Our strong background in digital media combined with our infinite curiosity is core to who we are. We have a genuine interest in discovering stories and helping brands move up.

Pritesh Patel is the enthusiastic, ever-optimistic Founder and CEO of Mediallianz. Pritesh’s passion and drive for business along with his hard work has led him to become a successful entrepreneur. He has worked with 85 percent of the online advertisers and agencies in India along with heading the FMCG & Retail verticals at Facebook India.

Having worked with over 100 clients we’ve seen what works, what doesn’t, who failed, who had enormous success, and what you have to do to get there. Internally our ambition is to attract, nurture and develop great talent in an environment that allows us to the best we can be. Our core values are the guiding principles for how we expect our team to behave. They are part of every paper, every bulletin board and every speech we share.

Pritesh Patel
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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