The Charpy Impact Test, invented back in the year 1900 by George Augustine Albert Charpy, is still being utilized as the best possible way to evaluate the amount of energy absorbed by the specimen during fracture, or the strength of material. The Charpy Impact Testing procedure entails using a notched type of standard test specimen, which is can be regulated to the desired impact load. Once the impact loading is done, the information related to stiffness, ductility, and other kinds of strain influences can be easily evaluated. The test is used to measure the type of energy that has been absorbed by the given specimen to understand its toughness and sensitivity absorbed with the impact.
This particular testing method is widely used on different materials like metals, polymers, composite materials, and many more. A standard specimen to be tested using the Charpy Impact Test should be in 55 mm dimension.
Unique features of the Charpy Impact Test:
The entire test does provide qualitative results, which is required to improvise the reliability levels of a material. It helps in revealing the kind of extent to which the material can turn ductile. This impact testing is necessary in order to decide which material is suitable for the respective purpose.
Performing Charpy Impact Testing will help determine the suitability and strength levels of the materials and provide different advantages and are listed below.
- Testing and evaluating new product materials
- Determining the impact of resilience that can happen upon critical structures
- Testing composite materials in a budget-friendly way
PCTE has been offering various services related to construction testing through its in-house team of experts. Reach out to them to get good support for your ongoing project and get involved in equipment training, to understand the material before putting them to use. They have been recognized as a one-stop solution for industrial and construction testing equipment.
About the Author:
PCTE supplies a range of equipment from around the world to offer you a one stop solution with all of the latest equipment. Concrete Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) comprises testing a property of concrete, largely without damaging the concrete to assess some parameter that either directly or indirectly provides a required characteristic of the concrete or its embedment. For more details, you can contact us at the website.