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3 Common Misconceptions About Getting Tenant Insurance

AMC Insurance
3 Common Misconceptions About Getting Tenant Insurance

A big portion of our population is renters. Renting is a good option if you want to have your own place but you can’t afford to buy your own property yet. There are also a lot of perks to becoming a tenant. You can live anywhere you want without a single property tying you down. There are fewer things to deal with such as land taxes and the upkeep of the house. If you decide that you don’t like your neighbor or you want to be closer to your workplace, you can just find a rental.

But as a renter, you should also know what your rights are and how to protect yourself from unforeseen problems. This is where tenant insurance in Langley comes in. Unfortunately, only 40% of tenants are protected by Tenant Insurance in Langley.

Part of the reason why not a lot of renters have tenant insurance in Langley is because of these misconceptions:

1. Tenant insurance in Langley can take up a huge chunk of my budget.

Many people assume it’s pricey. The price is actually not comparable to other forms of insurance policies such as car and health insurance. There are a lot of tenant insurance policies out there that can cover you for less than $20 per month.

That small amount of money can already provide reasonable coverage and protection such as an average of $1000 in deductibles. It can also provide compensation of up to $100,000 in personal liabilities in case something happens to you or someone else in the rental property.

2. I don’t need renter’s insurance because I don’t have a lot of valuable stuff.

If you have expensive furniture, appliances, and gadgets, you have a lot of valuable stuff. A lot of people think they don’t have a lot of valuables until they actually do an inventory of the things that they own. Just consider this, if you have enough stuff to fill a 2-bedroom apartment, your belongings can amount to at least $30,000.

During unforeseen events such as a fire or a flood, you could lose your possessions and have to replace them using money out of your pocket. But with tenant insurance in Langley, the replacements of your stuff will be covered.

3. My landlord already has insurance.

A lot of people think that their landlord’s insurance coverage also covers them. The thing is, most landlord insurance policies only cover the building and injuries that happen on the property.

You should start exploring all the benefits of renters insurance. You will be surprised how much coverage you can get with these types of insurances. AMC Insurance can help you find the right tenant insurance provider that will secure your future while staying in your rental property.

Robert Cameron is the author of this article. For more details about Life Insurance in Surrey please visit our website: amcinsurance.ca

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