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What Actions You Can Take in Virus Vault in AVG? - www.avg.com/retail

grace edens

AVG antivirus is the world’s best antivirus software which protects your gadgets from internet scam as well as enhances the performance of your PC. Basically, Virus Vault is used to keep any deleted file for some period of time, and in this period of time, you should make sure that you do not require the file any more. If in case, you find out that the missing file is causing problems, then you should send it to analysis, and then restore it to the original location. And this product can be installed through www.avg.com/retail installation product key code 2021.

With Function Button Perform Following Action in Virus Vault:

If you want to open the Virus Vault, then you should visit to the AVG User Interface and then click on History menu and just choose Virus Vault. After this, you should highlight an object which is there in the list with your mouse, then the function buttons help you to perform the following actions: avg.com/retail

  • Restore – Through this function, you can moves the infected file to its original location.
  • Restore as – It helps to moves the infected file to a selected folder.

Always keep in mind that you can Restore or Restore as multiple items at a time and then highlight them in the list and then press the button. If the selected items are not restored properly, then this will remain highlighted in the list. www avg com retail

While you restore the files from the Virus Vault, and in case, the file is an e-mail attachment then its original location is a temporary folder which will be difficult to find on your hard disk. That is why, the Restore as feature is available for e-mail attachments. You can restore the Registry keys back to original location. The file will be restored under the Original name. If it is not available, then the file is restored under name which is given in the Path to file column.

  • Details – This function gives details about the removed infection. And this option is available only for files which were removed by the Identity Protection component.
  • Delete – It completely removes the file from the disk.
  • Empty Vault – It helps to removes all files from the Virus Vault. If you remove the files from the Virus Vault, then these files are completely removed from the disk and it will not moved to the Recycle Bin.
  • Send to analysis – This function is there from context menu when you right-click on the file in Virus Vault. After this, you should select this file which is send for analysis to the avg.com/retail download the product key code 2021 virus labs or it is sent to the AVG Customer Services.

visit here this link: What to Do if AVG Anti-Track Cannot Detect Tracking Activity?

Remember, this feature send “false alarm” files, the files which have been detected by AVG as infected but you think they are harmless.

These are some of function available in Virus Vault in AVG. For help or support, the customer can call the expert of AVG via avg.com/registration.

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grace edens
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