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5 Platforms for Reading Manga Online in HD Quality

Shiraz Kahn
5 Platforms for Reading Manga Online in HD Quality

Anime and manga go hand in hand. If you are an anime fan its natural that you find manga equally interesting and fun. There is a lot that manga industry has to offer in terms of entertainment. Reading manga has gained exponential popularity in the recent decade and people not only from Japan but all over the world love these comics.

Why Prefer Online Manga Over Physical Copies?

This is an important and obvious question. Though you can get a traditional hard copy manga it can never give an experience as great as an online platform. Your online manga site has more options and variety.

You have 24/7 access to your online manga with a smartphone device, while the same is not true for physical manga. Finally, online manga is immune to damage by water and other wear and tear which is a great thing.


This is a great platform for manga streaming for many reasons. Just like mangastream, it has notable manga reading tools that are necessary for a good manga reading experience. These features include efficient UI and layout, great manga variety, quick search features and many more.

Crunchyroll was mainly developed for anime streaming but since the site gained so much popularity,  they decided to put manga on it as well. This way you can have both manga and anime access if you pick this site which seems more beneficial and logical.


This manga website has been around for many years now. Users enjoy this platform mainly because of its great manga quality. All the manga series is in great and clear result which is easy on the eyes.

ComiXology provides its users manga content from the latest manga shows and the old classic manga for free. It covers every genre possible and provides the top-notch manga streaming features.


Mangastream, is a pretty popular manga reading platform that contains hundreds of manga shows and covers every manga genre out there. The site is maintained properly and updated on a regular basis to add the latest content from your favourite manga. This site is the most secure among all other manga reading platforms.

Manga readers all over the globe love this platform for its sleek UI, great manga quality and diversity of manga series it offers. All the mainstream manga including Attack on Titan, DBZ, Naruto etc. Are available on this site which are also updated regularly so that you can read the latest stuff and stay connected.


Kissmanga is among the top priorities of manga readers. The reason being the site has great quantity of manga while also keeping the quality standard of manga prints in check.

This site comes with search features like auto-completion, filter search which help you in finding your favourite manga more quickly and with great ease.

This platform comes with very few ads which is a big deal since most free platforms have so many ads and other interruptions. Kissmanga despite being absolutely free has minimum ads which are all relevant to the manga stuff. So, choose kissmanga and make yourself free from worrying about interruptions while reading manga online.


Just like Mangastream, this online manga reading site also comes with a huge manga library. The manga are literally in thousands which means you can read as much as you can and still won’t run out of interesting stuff.

Most readers prefer this platform due to the fact that it has an effective user interface. All the stuff has been arranged into various groups and categories, which makes your navigation through the content of the site very easy.

We suggest you pick this website if you are searching for a fun-looking manga website with few ads and security concerns.

Final Words

All the above-mentioned website has been selected for their great manga reading features and high manga quality. If you choose a site among these, we assure you that you will be extremely happy and satisfied with the results. To learn more about such manga reading sites and other anime related stuff we suggest you visit All The Rage Faces.

We hope you find the best website for your manga reading as soon as possible and this information proves valuable to you in your search.

Shiraz Kahn
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