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Swaraj Tractor - An Amazing Package of Advanced Features

mohit batheja
Swaraj Tractor - An Amazing Package of Advanced Features

Swaraj tractor is one of the popular tractors belonging to the oldest Swaraj brand. Swaraj brand is the best tractor brand which consists of many useful and profitable tractors. The tractor brand has only one aim to provide farmers with outstanding products and support, meeting their desires. Swaraj has wide and varied production capabilities to produce the best in-class tractors for farming purposes. It offers many innovative tractors, offering the guarantee of best performance and high yield. The company truly offers complete customer satisfaction as it is dedicated to the customers to get 100% satisfaction. All the Swaraj tractors are loaded with advanced and latest features which offer sustainable crop solutions in the farming field. 


Swaraj offers a variety of powerful 2wd and 4wd tractors ranging from 15 hp to 60 hp. The hp range consists of mini tractors, utility tractors, and heavy-duty tractors. These tractors are special in the farming and commercial operation as they have an easy and effortless operating system. The Swaraj tractor price range starts from Rs. 2.60 Lakh*- Rs. 8.40 Lakh*. The most powerful Swaraj tractor in India is the Swaraj 963 FE which is available in the 60 hp range. 

Popular Swaraj Tractor Model in India 


  • Swaraj 744 FE belongs to the 48 hp category with 3-cylinders and a 3136 CC engine, performing all the farming and commercial applications. It has the best combination of powerful engine, water-cooled and 3- stage oil bath, providing high work excellency. The Swaraj tractor price is Rs.  6.25-6.60 Lakh*.




  • Swaraj 855 FE belongs to the 52 hp category with 3-cylinders, 3307 CC engine, which helps in diverse field and climate conditions. It has a strong gearbox with 8 forward & 2 reverse gears that offer controlled speed.  Swaraj tractor price is Rs. 7.10-7.40 Lakh*.



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mohit batheja
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