AI Products 

GeoSeeker Mini

Geo Electronic
GeoSeeker Mini

The GeoSeeker Mini uses, just like the "big" GeoSeeker , a geoelectrical measuring method based on the Schlumberger principle. The GeoSeeker Mini is a water detector that can also be used to locate underground cavities. The GeoSeeker Mini determines the ground resistance. On the basis of the resistance value, the detector can detect underground water resources such as fresh and drinking water, aquiferous gravel layers and groundwater levels. By determining the conductivity of the subsurface, water resources that have a very high conductivity and cavities that have a very poor conductivity are located. The OKM GeoSeeker Mini is operated by touchscreen. After the desired measurement depth and the number of measuring points have been determined, the device gives graphical instructions on how to place the electrodes and the further preceding procedure in the display. The use of pure imagery makes the GeoSeeker Mini usable for everyone. During the measurement, the individual electrodes are repositioned several times in order to determine the soil resistance at the specific measuring points. The instructions are shown on the color display, on which the measured values themselves are shown at the end of each individual measurement run. At the end of each measurement, the measurement results are shown in a 2-D representation on the display.

Geo Electronic
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