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Lighting & Grip Equipment: Rent Vs Buy

Light It Up LA
Lighting & Grip Equipment: Rent Vs Buy

You have got gigs and a budget, I invite you to use these rent vs buy tips from the leading lighting and grip truck Rental Company. It can be so tempting to go out and fill a cart with the things you need. The decision, like whether you want to buy or rent lighting and grip equipment, should be carefully thought out by the team and planned.

Rental or Purchase

Should I rent or buy grip and lighting tools? The question seems simple enough, but odds are the solution will depend upon your specific video production needs. Productions aren't one size fits all. There are some questions you ought to be considered before choosing this vital issue.

  • How often will I exploit this piece of equipment?
  • How portable does my setup get to be?
  • Will I want an equivalent-sized setup for many of my gigs?
  • How often do I plan on switching up the show?
  • How necessary is that the latest and greatest equipment for me?


Do you have specialization in professional wedding photography in a studio of your own or TV lighting that alternates between indoor scenes and outdoor sites? Does your studio lighting need to cater to a variety of productions from music concerts to film production or plays? Or are you trying to get a permanent setup for your long-term production goals?

Thinking about the location of your lighting needs can help you avoid spending money on equipment that won’t serve you long term. You can also choose Grip & Lighting Los Angeles company for renting small and big equipment.

When you want to Rent

How do you know video production or film shoot lighting and grip rental is the better choice for you and your future productions? Well, there are several signs that choosing lighting and grip rental Los Angeles for them might work better for your theatre or production company and your budget.

  • You offer a wide range of production services (video production, music concert, documentary, pre-wedding and more).
  • You need to be able to switch up things shortly to meet the latest trends.
  • You and your team should get a reliable source for last-minute equipment.
  • You are on the cusp of the advanced and new lighting and grip technology.
  • You don’t spare hours for constant maintenance or equipment replacement.

Available Lighting and Grip Equipment

Rental companies know that sometimes the decision between short-term rental and long-term investment for production can be difficult. You want to offer the best show or service possible to your customers within your budget. Top companies make it easy by offering brands you love, packages sizes that just fit like 5 Ton Lighting Package LA and advice you rely on again and again.

  • Preloaded trucks in 1 ton, 3 ton, or 5 ton
  • Tungsten Lights
  • LED Flashlights
  • Kino Lights
  • Chimera Lights
  • HMI Lights
  • Spotlights
  • Spare Bulbs like CYX, EGT or FEV
  • Dimmers & Controllers
  • C-Stands
  • Clamps and Clips
  • Dollies & Carts
  • Flags & Rags
  • Rigging & Truss
  • Chroma
  • Cables, Power and Batteries
Light It Up LA
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